Thursday, December 16, 2010

Are Dogs Better Listeners?

Many New Zealand women agree their loved pooches are better listeners than their partners, while some men believe their dogs show them more affection, a pet care company survey shows.
A Purina survey released on Monday showed 31 per cent of female dog owners believe their pets have better listening skills than their partners, and 14 per cent of men say their dog gives them more love than their partner.
After interviewing 250 dog owners and 250 cat owners nationwide, the survey also concluded nearly 50 per cent of female cat owners share their problems with their feline friend.
More than 80 per cent of female and male dog or cat owners admit to "cherishing pets", with more than 50 per cent considering themselves a mum or dad to their pets.
Purina's pet-care expert Shivaun Statham said the results mean that pets can become as endearing as a child or a close friend to many owners.
"When people find strong companionship and affection in their pets, it is quite normal for them to begin treating their animals as important family members."

Emma the Emu

 Emma the Emu

Emma is a 10-month-old emu. She has grown up from a chick with her best mate Charlie, a dog. Charlies habits have worn off on Emma, who seems to be having a bit of an identity crisis.

Emma sits, fetches and chases ball. (aaaawwwe) At the moment Emma cant go for a walk because her owner Craig West from the Northern Territory (of course) cant find a suitable leash. When he does, Craig says they will all go out for a walk together. Charlie, Emma and their blue tongue lizard!! who already has a little lead (apparently its perfectly normal to take your blue tongue lizard for a walk but an emu is newsworthy).

Im not sure but there seems to be disturbing trend happening with men and their animals in hot Northern places??

Monday, December 6, 2010

Dogs & Blowfish. Beware!

In parts of Asia they eat them as a delicacy, some people keep them in special aquariums. In Haiti its alleged their toxin was used to create zombies! There was even a pharmaceutical company that started trials of their derivative Tectin as a cancer painkiller.

Here in WA we know them as the humble ‘Blowie’ or 'puffer fish'  and they are more likely thought of as an annoyance to fisherman.  Most importantly they are known as a potentially fatal source of poison to dogs.
Don't be fooled. This cute little guy emits a deadly neurotoxin

Our weather at this time of year is perfect for walks/runs along the river. Unfortunately it is also a time when very curious pooches can come to very serious grief.  

Blowfish contain a potent neural poison. Symptoms can include staggering, tremors, difficulty breathing, seizure and collapse. The toxin is rapidly absorbed and there is no known antidote. Gastro intestinal decontamination or evacuation of the stomach done by a medical professional is the only course of action.  

If you know or suspect your dog may have eaten a blowfish carcass seek emergency Veterinary attention immediately.

Timeframe of toxin absorption can vary depending on the amount consumed and the age of the fish carcass but motor incoordination can occur in as little as 10 minutes.